Sunday, May 13, 2007

What is Meninism?

Is it a movement? Is it a reaction to Feminism?

Meninism is indeed a movement. But Meninism is not a movement in the same way that Feminism was and continues to be.

While Feminism as a movement had its time, as of now the pendulum has swung too far the other way. This is common with any movement; once started it will serve its purpose and then inevitably it will go too far.

Meninism is a reaction not so much to Feminism, but to its bastard offspring, that is a feminized male populace, that in its effort to accommodate the desires of women has lost its own identity and has gone too far in its efforts to please and has now left women wondering, “where have all the real men gone?”

Where women started out desiring equality and fair treatment, they didn’t want to end up with men trying to meet them in the middle. As is the unintended consequence of what we ask for and think we want, women ended up with men who gladly handed over their balls thinking that was the way to make women happy and thus keep women from bothering them, so that they may drink beer and watch 250 channels of television in peace. The unintended consequences were men thinking it was okay to cry, acting as vain as women in “shopping for couture,” and stealing their girlfriend’s facial cleanser.

Meninism is about what it means to be a man in today’s world. Meninism is about the the things our fathers should have taught us but didn’t. They were too busy being bushwacked by feminism. They’ve witnessed the entire spectrum of what it means to be a man during the time of feminism, which has bridged their own fathers, the father figure of the 50’s, to the emasculated, androgynous lumps of arrested adolescence that they raised who are now in their late 20’s and early 30’s. This is a time where the popular representation of the father is the demonized forms of Homer Simpson and Al Bundy.

A Call to Arms

This isn’t a “woe is us” diatribe. As a matter of fact, it’s a “call to arms.” It’s time for today’s boys to stand up and finally become the men that they should be. No longer will this prolonged adolescence be tolerated, instead these boys will finally learn what it means to become a man in today’s world. And not only will women support the effort, but they will stand up and cheer. The Meninists of today won’t do these things to simply quell the bitching of women in order to keep themselves happy, rather they will do so because that is what men do…and naturally what women want.



Anonymous said...

I think you're reacting to a range of stimuli including primarily consumerism, and media stereotyping - not feminism, or catering for the desires of woman - when you to offer your discussion on menimism.

As per the previous comment, feminism largely is about equality in opportunity, and the removal of prejudice instilled from infancy (in both genders) in a [still] patriarchal social construct. Feminism isn't something that has "gone too far".

Menimism sounds unfortunately short sighted in your description of it - if referencing a juxtaposition to a "bastardised" feminism.

Please consider something like this www [dot] bbc [dot] when you try to discuss an imparting of traditional values in gender discussion, that might belittle the efforts of feminism in general. As there is still a lot of work to be done in order for us males to create a less chastising culture.

Please also consider the effects of the range of different social stimuli that might have led to males becoming more emotionally driven, as this description of yours feels a little too half baked and simplistic as it is right now - and far too close to the top of the google search ranks to be left without criticism.

Think about things like the psychological and physiological benefits of being emotional open in todays society for a young male. Would a learned therapist or psychologist share your opinion on the need to withhold crying, in order to be more manly?

Do you think Nivea are acting from a feminist perspective when they are trying to sell moisturiser cream for men?

I can't purport to disagree with "menimism", but your description of it is aweful, half considered, trolling at best.

a man in his "late 20’s and early 30’s"

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" previous comment--a woman?

This does not sound like trolling at all. Men who read it will understand it, and that's all that matters. It sounds like he's demonizing feminism, but in fact, it doesn't have to be that way. Men just need to stop feeling inadequate and get back in the game of life. We need to feel that we can contribute something instead of feeling like nothing but oppressors every time we try to act. I'm sorry that doesn't translate well to women, but it's what men need.

Anonymous said...

Men and women are different. Period. To ignore that fact is plain stupidity. Both should be treated equally and given the same opportunity. However, I think society has put constraints on what men can and should feel. I am emotionally exhausted from walking on eggshells. If feminists want equality. Great. I whole-heartedly agree, but it can't be all about women's wants, feelings and concerns. There has to be at least some consideration for men's wants, feelings and concerns.
Couldn't agree more with the previous comment. We need to stop feeling guilty about being men and get back into the game.

Anonymous said...

Feminism is about equality. Women have needed this movement to enable them to fulfil their potential whereas men have long relied on all the advantages they took for granted. We still do not have equality in pay in some areas and there are more women pensioners in poverty than men. There is more to this issue than the simplistic.

Anonymous said...

For every action, there is an equal and opposite....well you know where I'm going with this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I'm a teen girl, but I get so tired of boys saying, "OMG, Like did you see what Casey was wearing?", shutting the door on your face, saying gross sexual stuff and similar things. I really hate modern feminists because they just sit there whining or even worse shout about like the world's going to end if no one listens. It's not doing anybody real good. They're just busybodies. Do they think that rapists are going to come and read their blog and say,"Hmm, I guess I was wrong to rape that one woman with the green hat. Yeah, I think I'll listen to this blog. Mmhmm. This woman sounds pretty smart." No, of course they're not!! Feminism just attracts people of like minds and doesn't really do anything, but degenerate society. It's just an illusion that makes people skirt around their feelings. Anyway, I like this idea. I know I'd much rather be called a lady when I grow up than a b****, woman or h**. I think it would be nice if men would strive to be gentlemen and women to be ladies. What a wonderful world this would be!

Unknown said...

Perfect example right here

Unknown said...

Not a single response to the issue at hand. Typical.

Unknown said...

Wow...only furthering OUR point.

Anonymous said...

The definition of feminism to this day is literally gender equality. It gives women AND men the freedom to be whoever they want to be. Men can stick to traditionally "manly" occupations and ways of life but equality means that they do not have to if they chose. Feminism is not an attack on men. It is for the benefit of both genders. It supports gay, Trans, and all other identities of people.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that the word feminism itself is a problem. It doesn't reflect equality and instead only reflects the word female. This instantly creates the idea that it is for women and women only. If anything it should be called equalitism or something similar so it immediately gives the idea of equality.

Anonymous said...

what yo obviously don't realize is that a meninst is defined as a male supporter of feminism....

Anonymous said...

Hey I was wondering if you would answer a few questions about Meninism as compared to Feminism for my senior major work. You can contact me directly on and I can send you a document with the questions if you are willing to answer them. It will only take a couple minutes of your time. Thankyou x

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are double standers between males and females, that's just fact. I can not say I'm a "Feminist", or a "Meninist", because I believe both parties have fair points. Necessarily equality isn't always a good thing, I believe it's more important to be fair than equal. I also want everyone to take into consideration, we can not say "No Judgement" and judge others beliefs and opinions. For myself If you are a feminist I can understand why there are some good thing about it, same goes for Religion, Overall beliefs and excreta.
We all should love each other.

Anonymous said...

Feminism isnt about equality at all. Just look at any feminist website and all you se are claims about the advantages men have over women, nothing about the advantages women have over men. What feminists (and lets be honest , most women) want is to erode and remove any advantages men have whilst retaining the advantages that women have. If they cant compete on equal terms then the rules have to be changed to give them an advantage.

Women want it all and give nothing back and now feel so entitled that the due processes of law no longer apply. They just take to social media to destroy men just because they can. Mob justice. Nice one girls.

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